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PROF. Univ. Dr. Lidia BENEA


Running Projects

1. Proiectul PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0702, de tip UEFISCDI PNII IDEI – PCE.

Perioada 2022-2024.


Filme de oxid nanoporos și molecule bioactive obținute electrochimic pentru a îmbunătăți proprietățile biomaterialelor de implant pe bază de titan.

Top-down nanoporous oxide films and bioactive molecules obtained electrochemically to improve the properties of titan base implant biomaterials.

Acronim: BioNanoSurf

Web page: http://www.bionanosurf.ugal.ro

2. Proiectul nr. 10 Din 30-08-2013, de tip UEFISCDI PNII IDEI – PCE


 “Noi funcţionalizări hibride (anorganic – organic) a suprafeţelor biomaterialelor (metale, aliaje) cu molecule bioactive prin tehnici electrochimice

(New hybrid (inorganic – organic) functionalization of biomaterials (metals, alloys) surfaces with functional molecules by electrochemical techniques)”

Acronim: HyBioElect.



Schematic representation of electrochemically preparation of porous oxide layers: (A) – electrochemical cell with (1) – anode as biomaterial for functionalization; (2) counterelectrode of platinum grid; (3) electrolyte solution for anodization; (B) SEM micrograph of porrous TiO2 oxide layer [L. Benea and Group]



 Schematic representation of electrochemically deposition of BAMs on porous oxide layer: (A) – electrochemical cell with (1) – cathode as biomaterial with porous oxide layer; (2) counter electrode of platinum grid (anode); (3) electrolyte solution containing bioactive molecules; (B) Bonding    of BAMs like PEG on porous TiO2 oxide layer and (C) Biomaterial surface with new hybrid interface layer

                                        Web page: http://www.hybioelect.ugal.ro/



2. Proiectul C2-02 / 01-03-2012

 Suprafeţe funcţionale obţinute prin electrodepunerea nanofazelor disperse ceramice cu metale (Co, Ni, Zn, Cu) pentru creşterea rezistenţei la coroziune şi tribocoroziune în industria nucleară

(Functional surfaces obtained by electroplating of nano-sized dispersed ceramic phases with metals (Co, Ni, Zn, Cu) for use in the nuclear industry to increase the corrosion and tribocorrosion resistance)”,

Acronim: NanoSurfCorr.




Project title:

Functional surfaces obtained by electroplating of nano – sized dispersed ceramic phases with metals for use in the nuclear industry to increase the corrosion and tribocorrosion resistance.

Project acronym: NanoSurfCorr

Joint R&D, Joint Research and Development Projects between:

1. Competences Centre Interfaces – Tribocorrosion – Electrochemical Systems (CC-ITES),

    Dunărea de Jos University of Galati, 47 Domneasca Street, 800008, Romania.

    Project Director: Prof. Univ. Dr. Lidia BENEA


 2. DPC/SEARS/Laboratoire Ingénierie des Surfaces et Lasers (Lasers and Surfaces Engineering),

    CEA Saclay - Bâtiment 467, F91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex, France.

    Project Director: Dr. Nadège CARON

  Web page: http://www.nanosurfcorr.ugal.ro



3. Proiect de cercetare bilateral RO-FR, ANCS – Capacitati 702 / 30-04-2013


“Tribocoroziunea biomaterialelor şi a straturilor micro şi nanostructurate în medii specifice

(Tribocorrosion de biomatériaux et de dépôts micro et nano structurés dans des milieux spécifiques)”

Acronim: CorrBioMat.



Essais de tribocorrosion au différent  forces normales appliqués

                           Web page: http://www.corrbiomat.ugal.ro  





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Copyright © 2009 CC-ITES, Universitatea "Dunarea de Jos" Galati
webmaster: sbalint@ugal.ro, Last modified: 01/25/10